๐ŸŒŠ Hello, world!

My name is Brie Carranza. I am passionate about cats, sunflowers, emoji, OSINT, GraphQL, cybersecurity, making cool websites and DevOps tools. I love experimenting with new technologies and reading infosec writeups. I love asking (and answering) the question "...but can I do that in a CI pipeline?".

One of the things that makes me tick is explaining technology and helping people understand how to make a solution work for them. I enjoy being a leader and mentor and working to build other leaders. Our jobs are not easy but I care about working together effectively to make work a little bit easier.

You can learn more about me in my README, on LinkedIn or in these videos:

Hero Image

Generated by Midjourney with the prompt: highly computerized clouds connected by network cables, lights flashing in the clouds, error messages in the sky

Here are a few of the more personal blog posts I have written...

I hope you enjoy these.

A few things I've made, around the Internet:

๐Ÿฑ HTTP Response Status Cats!

These cute cat pictures generated by Midjourney are a cute way to remind yourself what each HTTP status code means.

โŒจ๏ธ awesome-kinesis

This is one of the most popular repositories I have curated. It's an awesome list of projects, resources and references for Kinesis keyboard enthusiasts.


HELIANTHUS is a collection of photos I've taken of sunflowers that I have grown.

๐Ÿฅฃ Pastebin Bisque

I wrote a Python script that downloads all of a user's public Pastebin pastes. This solved a small problem I had and gave me a real opportunity to experiment with BeautifulSoup4.